Iris the Great Communicator: Illustration and Collection Deep Dive

Iris the Great Communicator: Illustration and Collection Deep Dive

As I wandered through my usual Louisiana swamp trail one spring afternoon, I noticed something I hadn’t given pause to before. Bright purple petals popping from their stem were so alive that they whispered to me as I walked by. I couldn’t help but be curious, drawing near like a pollinator. The depth of this experience wasn’t clear to me just yet, but as soon as I answered the call, I knew this plant would be my muse for the next few months.

Hello, Iris – the flower, the goddess of connection and rainbows, the sparkling color in eyes, and my new divine muse. 

My Introduction to Iris: The Flower

Iris hexagonal is the scientific name of the flower that captured my creative eye—many also know it by the name Louisiana Iris. Many view the Louisiana Iris as a symbol of wisdom, trust, and faith. This perennial flower is framed by tall, thin, green, grasslike leaves and blooms in a rainbow of jewel tones. 

This species of iris is native to Louisiana and the surrounding areas and can tolerate varying environments, blooming in April and May and growing up to three feet tall. Still, the Louisiana iris needs at least an inch of water per week to bloom. If you know anything about Louisiana, you’ll know it rains a whole lot in the spring and summer seasons, making it the perfect home for these intricate blooms. 

However, when irises started appearing in unexpected places, I began to wonder if there was some external force connected to this flower, too. Surprise, surprise — the iris flower is named after the Greek goddess Iris, the maker of rainbows, because of all the colors in which irises bloom. 

It gets deeper, though. Iris is also the connection between the spiritual and earthly realms, something I foster in my creative practice. When I discovered who Iris was, I couldn’t help but get to know her more intimately.

Iris, the Greek Goddess of Communication and Rainbows

Iris is the daughter of Thaumas, the god of the sea, and Electra, a cloud nymph. In Greek mythology, people believed rainbows bridged the gap between the sea and clouds and replenished the clouds with water after rain storms. This belief is where Iris’ role as a communicator between the gods and humans comes from. 

The etymology of Iris’ name supports her symbolism. Many meanings are attached to the Latin word Īris, all connecting to the goddess’ mythological stories and powers. In Greek, Iris translates to “the rainbow.” Īris is also the root word of “iridescent,” meaning to show changing rainbowlike colors. Iris is also the root word of eiris, which translates to “messenger.” I love words.

Iris is often described as Hera’s personal messenger, but her importance in Greek mythology is much larger. The goddess made trajectory-altering appearances throughout the Trojan War and aided many other gods and goddesses, like Leto, during the birth of Apollo. This article goes into more detail about her story than I can spare here, but please open this link in another tab and read it later for the sake of my site. (Thanks!)

Iris Carrying the Water of the River Styx to Olympus for the Gods to Swear By, Guy Head.

In historic and modern depictions, Iris has wings, carries a vase and herald staff, and is almost always accompanied by a rainbow. Beyond looks, Iris has an iridescent presence that brings color and lightness to the room, is quick-footed, and symbolizes the merging of the subconscious and conscious mind. It's no surprise she has staked her claim in the spiritual realm.

Working with the Goddess Iris in the Spiritual Realm

Many people have spiritual experiences with Iris, and it’s no surprise because her role in Greek mythology and presence in modern-day spirituality is vibrant. Some call upon Iris for help with communication, creativity, and collaboration.

Iris has been appearing in my creative practice and dreams for years, but I’ve only recently bridged the gap—pun intended. Please remember, this space is a safe one open to the exploration of divine communication. 

Now that you know her, she may start reaching out to you, too. Here are some common ways Iris shows up in the physical realm and has communicated with me: 

  • Rainbows (duh!)
  • Vivid dreams of rainbows, iridescent items, or the winged goddess herself
  • Urges to contact people who you haven’t spoken to in a while
  • Receiving signs or messages that seem to be from another realm

Eyes and Irises

According to Google, an iris is also “a flat, colored, ring-shaped membrane behind the cornea of the eye, with an adjustable circular opening (pupil) in the center.” You guessed it, this name for the colorful part of the eyes is rooted in the Latin word Īris. Is this artistic expression or English class? I really can’t tell anymore. Lol. 

Anyway, I couldn’t ignore this connection to my art and this collection.

Beyond more etymology, eyes are portals to embodiment and consciousness, connecting the spiritual and physical realms. Do you see the pattern here yet? There are no coincidences. It's no surprise that eyes show up in my artwork every single time, a reminder that creative energy is a very much alive being.

All the years and years of painting eyes have helped me open mine to a world beyond fear and just what we can see. I believe Iris has had a little something to do with that. 

Swamp Sprouts’ Iris Collection

The Iris collection is an extension of my experience with Iris. Notice the hidden eyes, the iridescent paint, the colors, the muses, and the messages—all Iris. 

As I release these art pieces into the world, I imagine you safe, in a bubble of support and peace, just as I was while creating this. By hanging a piece of this collection in your space, Iris is blessing you with her iridescent magic. 

About Swamp Sprouts

Envision strolling into the world of Swamp Sprouts—an art project ignited by the allure of Louisiana's mystical swamp inhabitants and fueled by an unwavering commitment to sustainability. At its spirit is Tristen Rolling, an artist and daydreamer who set out to amplify nature's voice while championing environmental causes through her odd creations. With a masterful blend of acrylic painting, woodworking, and digital artistry, Tristen pays homage to the essence of the habitat that inspires her.

Swamp Sprouts isn't just a creative venture; it's a haven for those who share an innate passion for our planet. Born out of quarantine, the vibrant online community that supports the project thrives in partnership with like-minded small businesses, creating a symphony of mutual growth. As Tristen's art finds its home in local stores, it comes to life. It introduces patrons to the captivating ethos of Swamp Sprouts – to work toward a shared mission of positive transformation on earth and within the spirit of all who inhabit it.

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